La Senda Level CurriculumOur curriculum was designed by the La Senda team and consists of 5 levels to build grammar, vocabulary, and communication skills. Each level covers age appropriate and practical topics that interest kids while also engaging them academically. It is based on the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages and can grow a student with no prior experience to an elementary level. Take a look at what students will learn at each level:
By the end of kindergarten, students will be able to complete the following tasks in Spanish:
- Identify and recite numbers one through twenty.
- Correctly select articles based on the criteria of masculine, feminine, definite, indefinite, singular, and plural.
- Identify and name the days of the week.
- Identify and name the months of the year.
- Express personal likes and dislikes.
- Greet people.
- Use basic communication phrases.
- Describe objects using color.
- Ask and answer questions about identifying colors.
- Ask and answer questions about favorite colors.
- Identify and name animals.
- Create simple sentences using animals.
- Identify and name body parts.
- Ask and answer where body parts are.
- Identify and name foods.
- Ask and answer questions about favorite foods.
- Order food.
- Identify and name school supplies.
- Ask for school supplies.
- Talk about school and class.
Level 1
By the end of Level 1, students will be able to complete the following tasks in Spanish:
- Identify and recite numbers one through twenty.
- Correctly select articles based on the criteria of masculine, feminine, definite, indefinite, singular, and plural.
- Identify and name the days of the week.
- Identify and name the months of the year.
- Recognize and name letters of the alphabet.
- Express personal likes and dislikes.
- Identify vowels.
- Identify the point of stress in a word.
- Modify inflection to have accurate word stress.
- Adapt pronunciation to the accurate accent
- Greet people.
- Use basic communication phrases.
- Describe objects using color.
- Ask and answer questions about identifying colors.
- Ask and answer questions about favorite colors.
- Identify and name animals.
- Create simple sentences using animals.
- Identify and name body parts.
- Ask and answer where body parts are.
- Identify and name foods.
- Ask and answer questions about favorite foods.
- Order food.
- Identify and name school supplies.
- Ask for school supplies.
- Talk about school and class.
Level 2
By the end of Level 2, students will be able to complete the following tasks in Spanish:
- Identify and recite numbers one through one hundred.
- Correctly select articles based on the criteria of masculine, feminine, definite, indefinite, singular, and plural.
- Identify and name the days of the week.
- Identify and name the months of the year.
- Express personal likes and dislikes.
- Recognize and name letters of the alphabet.
- Identify vowels.
- Identify the point of stress in a word.
- Modify inflection to have accurate word stress.
- Adapt pronunciation to the accurate accent
- Ask about the weather.
- Describe the weather.
- Identify members of the family.
- Ask others about members of their family.
- Name and identify holidays.
- Ask when a holiday is.
- Express personal statements on holidays.
- Express feelings.
- Ask others about feelings.
- Name and identify rooms of a house.
- Describe relative positions.
- Use common phrases.
- Ask common questions.
- Understand and follow directions.
- Use phrases in the command form.
- Identify and name foods.
- Discuss meal times.
Level 3
By the end of Level 3, students will be able to complete the following tasks in Spanish:
- Identify and recite numbers one through one thousand.
- Name and identify pronouns.
- Conjugate regular verbs in present tense (AR).
- Recognize and name letters of the alphabet.
- Express personal desires.
- Read low level texts with accurate pronunciation.
- Name and identify terms related to fall time.
- Ask and answer questions about the fall.
- Describe my day.
- Speak in the first tense.
- Discuss the order of events.
- Understand the meeting of AR verbs.
- Use AR verbs in the infinitive form.
- Name and identify terms related to winter time.
- Ask and answer questions about the winter.
- Identify and name foods.
- Talk about eating utensils.
- Use qualifiers in simple sentences.
- Name and identify terms related to spring time.
- Ask and answer questions about the spring.
- Name and identify hobbies.
- Express preference on hobbies and activities.
- Name and identify types of transportation vehicles.
- Discuss travel.
- Describe personal modes of transportation.
Level 4
By the end of Level 4, students will be able to complete the following tasks in Spanish:
- Generate a number pattern that follows a given rule.
- Use the four operations with whole numbers to solve problems.
- Name and identify pronouns.
- Conjugate regular verbs in present tense (AR, ER, IR).
- Use infinite forms of verbs.
- Create sentences that follow correct word order scheme (SVO: subject, verb, object).
- Form questions by inverting the subject and verb.
- Correctly place adjectives in a sentence.
- Conjugate “ser” and “estar.”
- Name and identify clothing items.
- Discuss getting dressed.
- Use and respond to question words.
- Refer to objects as this/that.
- Understand the meeting of ER verbs.
- Use ER verbs in the infinitive form.
- Use prepositions to talk about location.
- Use and identify adjectives to describe people.
- Use and identify adjectives to describe oneself.
- Express obligation or preference in first person.
- Express obligation or preference in second person.
- Understand the meeting of ER verbs.
- Use ER verbs in the infinitive form.
- Name and identify objects related to technology.
- Use verbs that related to technology in the infinite form.
Level 5
By the end of Level 5, students will be able to complete the following tasks in Spanish:
- Generate a number pattern using fractions that follows a given rule.
- Use the four operations with fractions to solve problems.
- Conjugate regular verbs in present tense (AR, ER, IR).
- Conjugate common irregular verbs in the present tense.
- Write stories consisting of events.
- Write persuasive pieces.
- Determine when it is appropriate to use “ser” versus “estar.”
- Describe objects using adjectives.
- Make comparison statements.
- Name and identify city vocabulary.
- Talk about locations and travel.
- Name and Identify household objects.
- Describe the position of household objects.
- Name and identify body parts.
- I can express pain in a body part.
- Name and identify utensils and cooking items.
- Use verbs involved in cooking
- Discuss travel.
- Use frequent travel phrases.
- Discuss entertainment.
- Name and identify planets.
- Discuss outer space.
- Talk about wellness.
- Discuss a healthy lifestyle.